
Welcome to Data Structures! During this course, we will explore the relationship between data organization and access with respect to efficiency. We will also delve deeper into the C++ language, tools such as CLion and Git/GitHub, and debugging.

As a similar saying goes, programming languages are to computer science what hammers are to carpentry.  Programming is a tool that we use to communicate with a computer and express our solutions to problems. It is important to know how to use this tool efficiently to solve complex problems.  To get the most out of this class and ultimately to be successful, you must be willing to work hard.

Who's who?

Course Information:

Catalog Description:

Emphasizes the object-oriented implementation of data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, sets, and binary trees.  The course covers object-oriented software engineering strategies and approaches to programming in interdisciplinary teams.

Where to Find Info:
